At the request of Contra Costa County Public Health Department, we have undergone the certification process to obtain TPOXX (Tecovirimat) which is the primary therapy for people documented to have TPOXX. If you are interested in obtaining this therapy for yourself or your patient, here are things you should know:


  1. Only people who have documented active Monkeypox are eligible for TPOXX.  This means they already had a swab of a lesion that is positive for either Monkeypox or Orthopox.
  2. This link provides information about Monkeypox and can link you up to the CDC website.
  3. We do not have the capability to do this diagnostic testing for Monkeypox.  This test will need to be done by the referring healthcare provider.  Click here to show how to perform this test. 
  4. Contra Costa County Sexual Health Clinics and most Urgent Care facilities can perform this test.  Emergency Departments also will have the ability although less desirable due to crowds and costs
  5. TPOXX is not FDA approved for the treatment of Monkeypox.  It is only available in a Clinical Study conducted by us through the CDC.  All people enrolled in this trial will receive the TPOXX.  The Study is primarily for the purpose of data collection. The treatment course is pills taken twice daily for 2 weeks.
  6. To receive TPOXX, you will need to come in person to our office on the first visit.  There will be 2 follow up visits which may be remote or in-person.  These visits will be billed to your insurance as any medical office visit would be.  If you are not insured, you will not be billed.
  7. There is no pharmacy charge for the medication
  8. We are not able to provide Pain Management, or evaluation and management of other concurrent illnesses.  Anyone who does not have a Healthcare Provider will be referred to the Contra Costa County Sexual Health Clinic or Urgent Care
  9. Please call 925 947-2334 to make an appointment